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President Trump Signs Executive Order to Protect All American Children from "Chemical and Surgical Mutilation" and "Keeping Men Out of Women's Sports"

Accordingly, it is the policy of the United States that it will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support the so-called “transition” of a child from one sex to another, and it will rigorously enforce all laws that prohibit or limit these destructive and life-altering procedures. Sec. 2.  Definitions.  For the purposes of this order: (a)  The term “child” or “children” means an individual or individuals under 19 years of age.


Ohio Passes HB68, The Save Women's Sports Act and Saving Adolescents from Experimentation Act. Effective, April 24th, 2024

Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act regarding gender transition services for minors, and to enact the Save Women's Sports Act to require schools, state institutions of higher education, and private colleges to designate separate single-sex teams and sports for each sex.


Ohio Passes HB8, Parent's Bill of Rights, Effective April 9th, 2025

Requires public schools to adopt a policy on parental notification on student health and well-being and instructional materials with sexuality content and regarding school district policies for released time courses in religious instruction. "Sexuality content" means any oral or written instruction, presentation, image, or description of sexual concepts or gender ideology provided in a classroom setting.


April News: Breaking from the U.K.  Listen on X and watch the end of transition of children, support for those harmed: Here 

Why did adult gender clinics withhold data from the Cass Review? Discussion

Listen to Dr. Cass Podcast here.


Italy Joins the List of Countries Recommending Restrictions on Puberty Blockers for Gender Dysphoria per Society for Evidence Based Medicine Click Here


Wisconsin Event Sponsored by Partners for Ethical Care: "The Next Chapter:  A Panel Discussion of Detransitioners Featuring:  Chloe Cole, Laura Becker, Abel Garcia, Luka Hein & Ohio's Morgan Keller" Watch here


Mayo Clinic finds puberty blockers are not a "pause button" and are not reversible threaten sterility of male children: Here


UK News: The Final Cass Review and the NHS England Response

Key take-aways from the single most notable event in the history of youth gender medicine of the last decade.  Here


WPATH File Leak:  Ohio Gender Clinic Doctors Featured:  Click here 

Gender Dysphoria and Anorexia in Adolescent Females "Significant parallels between gender dysphoria and anorexia in teen girls calls for a nuanced and developmentally-informed approach" Click here




Suicide Mortality Among Gender-Dysphoric Adolescents and Young Adults in Finland  "The finding of low suicide rates and no evidence of benefits of gender reassignment continues to challenge the practice of youth transitions" Click Here




The Transgender Protocol (2023) Dutch With English Subs Documentary

American Academy of Pediatrics stands by the outdated the now discarded Dutch Protocol which ignores late onset gender dysphoria new cohort of minors, outlines detransitioner footage."

"Worth watching! Includes rare coverage of trans regret from a mainstream channel, and also an interview with Hannah Barnes. Pro-Trans Doctors are given enough rope to hang themselves."  Parental Discretion Advised.


Gender Wider Lens:  No Time To Think with Hannah Barnes, The Downfall of GIDS at the Tavistock Episode 104


Trans Regret (2023) Swedish doc all 3 parts with English Subs Documentary


What is Biological Integrity? New Website from Biological


The pullback from youth gender transition has begun by Eliza Mondegreen:

  • Whistleblower files assist in the closing of Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital announcing that doctors there will no longer prescribe puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones to children and adolescents.


Questionable Medicine:  Concerns about the 2018 AAP Policy Statement on Gender-Affirmative Care:  Here


2023 "I transitioned my child, I regret it" HERE


2023 I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle.  Jamie Reed Speaks Out: 

"There are more than 100 pediatric gender clinics across the U.S. I worked at one. What’s happening to children is morally and medically appalling." HERE


2023 SEGM's Critical Appraisal of “Long-Term Regret and Satisfaction With Decision Following Gender-Affirming Mastectomy”


2022  Clinical Damage:  The Tavistock Clinic’s closure follows a damning report on ideological malpractice: Here

Note:  A printout is available to give to your local doctor, school board, and state legislators.


Genspect Creates Resources for Psychologists, Schools, & Online Therapy for Parents:  Here

"Gender-Affirming Care and Young People" contains a number of errors and misrepresentations Here:

A new study lends credibility to concerns that early social gender transition can lead to persistence of pediatric gender dysphoria:  Here


SEGM (Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine) Reports the end of child gender transition in France and Finland End  Read Here - Add Denmark to that list.

SEGM Spotlight:  Accurate transition regret and detransition rates are unknown -Widespread methodological problems limit the reliability of “low transition regret” claims as Detrans Reddit climbs to over 51,000 youth.

A recent systematic review of puberty blockers exemplifies problems in gender medicine research: Here

Activist Ehrensaft states "Genderqueer" 11-year-olds can’t handle too much info about sterilizing treatments–but do get on with those treatments

Read Klein_Amicus Lupron Victims Brief Here (note, Lupron is not approved for transitioning children)

September, 2021 BREAKING - Detransitioned woman, Sinead Watson sends letter to HARVARD regarding the bullying tactics of TURBAN against detransitioned individuals: Here

What happens after child transition? Ms. Bell tells her story Here:

Children Should Be Protected from Childhood Transition:  Here

2021 Transgender Trend on Brain Development Here


Helpful Links:

(PITT) Parents Share Stories and Speak Out Here

Partners for Ethical Care Videos/Resources: Here

Advocates Protecting Children/Resources: Here

Testosterone Pain and Risk Discussion: Here



Gender Clinic Giant Gets Sued and Hides NIH Study Results due to poor outcomes.  Clementine Breen, now 20, filed a medical negligence lawsuit against Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy Thursday, claiming she was rushed into irreversible treatment to become male starting at age 12 without proper psychological testing and monitoring of her mental health and the side-effects of the treatment. “People are just brushing exactly what happened to me off as something that doesn’t happen,” she said.  Breen’s suit claims Olson-Kennedy’s clinic put her on puberty blockers when she was just 12, started her on hormone therapy at 13 and performed a double mastectomy on her at 14, the outlet reported, citing the suit and an interview with Breen.  Olsen - Kennedy has banked millions of dollars without being held accountable for her actions. 


Child Detransitioner Chloe Cole Announces Intent To Sue Kaiser Permanente For ‘Experimental’ Hormones And Surgery

Prisha Mosley Sues doctor for putting her on testosterone at 17.


United Kingdom News:  Keira Bell Case Hands Down Historic Protections for "Transgender"
identifying children. New U.K. based provider training offered here due to this important ruling.


Childhood Gender Dysphoria and the Law by John Whitehall, a pediatrician in
Australia, has been writing on the subject.  We encourage parents to think critically about who and
where your child goes for treatment and avoid those that use the "informed consent model" or
"affirmation only" models. 


The Society for Evidence Based Medicine, A Trusted Resource:  Follow SEGM here:
SEGM has debunked flawed studies and research that has led the medical scandal of child gender transition. If you are a physician concerned about this issue, contact SEGM for assistance. 


A cautionary tale of the Father of Gender Ideology, Harry Benjamin: Video: Miriam Grossman Explains


The David Reimer Story, 38; After Botched Surgery, He Was Raised as a Girl in Gender Experiment, Commits Suicide



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